Wednesday 9 July 2014

Wednesday, 9th July                        Inverness - Loch Ness

Robyn writes: We were up around 7.30 this morning as we had a bit to do before Cait and Mikeal arrived. This being a two bedroom flat, we had our stuff (including washing) all over, so we cleared out their room and then headed into town just after 9 to do a few things. I dropped a bag of stuff off at one of the op-shops (there are many of them in town), we bought some packing boxes and bags (at Poundland - wonderful place; everything costs a pound!) and posted some postcards. We got home just after 10, so just had time to have a cuppa before heading out to the airport to meet Cait and Mikeal on the 10.55 plane.

The drive to the airport actually took quite a bit longer than we'd expected, a good 20 minutes out of town, but we got there in plenty of time, found a park and were there when the plane arrived just a few minutes late. Then we waited...and waited...and waited! At Inverness airport, they have their baggage collection inside the secure area, before they can go out into the public area, so it was a good 20 minutes or so after the plane landed before they finally emerged! We then paid for parking - trust the Scottish not to miss you - parking is free for the first 20 minutes; after that you pay 3 pounds ($6 Australian!) Ouch!

It was so good to see them both, anyway - they mostly enjoyed their Topdeck trip around Europe but it also had its major drawbacks, such as cheap and nasty hostels - Cait is covered in bedbug bites from a very nasty hostel in Amsterdam. As soon as we'd had lunch, we all walked into town, and Cait and I went to Boots (the chemist) where we talked to Gary, a lovely Scottish chemist. He was full of helpful advice but unfortunately because of his thick Scottish accent, we couldn't understand half of what he said...anyway, we think we got the important bits and she has a tube of ointment which seems to be helping. We had a nice look around and did a bit of souvenir shopping. Lex and Mikeal had gone off to investigate Scotch Whiskeys and ales, and arrived home a bit after us bearing their important purchases.

 Pre-cruise, wondering: Will we see Nessie?
 Our boat, the Jacobite Warrior
 Cait modelling the latest in fashion accessories: the Thompson Tartan scarf!
 Intrepid Nessie watcher
 The loch - beautiful, but monster free today, sadly

 "What's that? Oh, it's a wave...."
 Urquhart Castle

 The loch
 Well, HERE'S the monster!
Our big outing for the afternoon was, of course, the famous Loch Ness. We had planned to go on the 4pm cruise, so left here a bit after 3. We took a Jacobite Cruise, which went for an hour out into the loch and around Urquhart Castle. It was extremely relaxing - we sat up on the top deck (a bit cool, but we all had coats) and enjoyed the views. Amazingly, no Loch Ness monster presented itself at all - couldn't have predicted that! Anyway, we enjoyed the trip and then had a look around the "Nessie" gift shop. Ah, merchandising! I have my Nessie fridge magnet so am happy!

When we got home, we realised we needed more bread...most annoying, as we'd just popped into Tesco already on the way home! Anyway, we have a very early start in the morning for our trip to the Orkney Islands, so Lex and I walked up to the shop to get another loaf, then it was back home for a drink and to cook tea (Tesco's mini-chicken roasts - yum!). Cait has used a new app to make a mini film clip of our glasses of whiskey and wine this evening, so I'll put the link in to see if it works. Cait and Mikeal are thrilled to finally have room to move and proper beds to sleep in after several weeks in hostels and on a crowded bus trip!

Let's see if this works:  Here is Cait's film clip of drinks this evening - starring Lex, Robyn, Mikeal, Cait and Sniffly the little red Welsh dragon!

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