Saturday 31 March 2018

Robyn writes: Well, we are now happily ensconced with Cait and Mikeal at their place in Nundah. After a busy morning getting ready, Sandy picked us up to take us to the airport and our flight was right on time so we were into Brisbane just after one. Cait and Mikeal soon appeared to collect us from the airport and we went to the restaurants at the DFOs for a (very) late lunch at Cherry Beans there - lovely food but just took a long time. Well, it IS Easter Saturday and the parking area was packed. We had to cruise for ages to even find a park!

We had a quick look around the shops after lunch then headed home, to meet up with Perri Hayes, who is also staying here and flying out tomorrow (though in her case it's to Japan and then to the UK where she will be working as a nanny).

We've had a lovely meal of roast pork and sampled various liquid refreshments obtained earlier from Uncle Dan (Murphy!) Lex and Mikeal are now discussing the relative merits of various Scotch whiskeys.

Tomorrow evening we fly out for Launceston to start our Tassie adventure - can't wait!

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