Sunday 1 April 2018

At about 8 o'clock Robyn and I rolled out of bed. We deserved a sleep-in after yesterday's exertions.

This morning was Easter Sunday, in case you didn't realise. Mikeal celebrated by cooking us all a fine bacon and egg breakfast.

Leaving Perri behind to pack and organise herself, the Hooleys took the Cuskellys to the Eagle Farm markets. They have reduced to a foo market lately, with no craft stalls and only a few clothing stalls. Mikeal and Caitlin bpought some vegetables, and then we left.

I wanted to see Hamilton wharf, so we went for tea/coffee at Max Brenner's. Even though the place was practically deserted, we waited for half an hour for three hot drinks. None of us will be back there anytime soon.

Back at the Nundah flat, we collected Perri and drove to Sandgate for lunch. What a contrast!
The Full Moon Hotel was packed full; and we walked straight up to a table for 5. Three had white wine (a very nice Pinot Grigio), and we ordered quickly. The food came in good time and was praised by all of us. I can recommend this place as it overlooks Sandgate and the sea (albiet through some tall trees).

Feeling full, we headed back to the flat to repack our bags. After much manipulation, both Robyn and I had bags weighing just under 20 Kg (the Jetstar limit). My carry on bag weighed 5 Kg, and felt like 15. Robyn's was only marginally lighter.

At about 3:30 Mikeal drove us to the airport, where we received a shock. Our bags were supposed to be checked in by 3 ! A nice Jetstar lady hustled our bags through the bag drop and away. Then we proceeded through security checks and finally, to gate 38. Here we waited for the boarding call, which didn't actually come. There was an announcement that we would be boarding shortly; then without notice, they simply started checking people through! Very glad we had joined the waiting queue!

Later, He and Caitlin would take Perri to the (international) airport. She is flying to Japan tonight. She will stay a fortnight there with a friend. From there, she will fly to London to take up a position as a nanny in north London.

Meanwhile, our flight went smoothly, even though the seating was quite cramped. I was very glad to get off the plane after nearly three hours sitting in the same position.

Launceston airport is easy to navigate, and the bags arrived at the carousel quickly. We walked only 30 metres to the Taxi rank, and were on our way in minutes. Our driver was friendly and chatty. He gave us a few suggestions about what to see. For $43, he also took us straight to the Best Western Plus hotel in Launceston.

It took us only a minute to book in. Then we took our bags to Room 412, changed, and went down to the Tram Bar for a drink and a meal. My chicken Parmigiana looked like it came from a turkey - it was huge. I ate it, and it was very good. Robyn got most of my chips to supplement her soup.

Now we are back in the room and ready for a good night's sleep. The Launceston town clock has just struck the bell ten times (for 10 PM). It has been a long time since I heard a town clock do that.

Till tomorrow.....

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