Monday 2 June 2014

A Special page for Jones, Griffiths & Bowles descendants:

Robyn writes: My great-great-great grandmother, Mary Griffiths was born in Jeffreyston, Pembrokeshire, sometime around 1800. There is a Mary, daughter of John and Martha Griffith(s) who was christened on 26th February, 1799 in the church there, so that is probably her. Today we visited the Church of St Jeffrey & St Oswald in Jeffreyston.

 Still plenty of Griffiths in the area
 The church interior was extensively remodeled in the mid 1800s
 But the font is original and Norman. Mary would have been christened at this font

 There is a medieval stone cross in front of the church

 A huge wall runs around the church, which is at the centre of the village
 The charnel house in the north part of the churchyard. A charnel house is a vault or building where human skeletal remains are stored. They are often built near churches for depositing bones that are unearthed. Lovely!


My great-great-great grandfather, William Jones, was born in Pembroke circa 1804, so he may be the William, son of George and Martha Jones, who was born 10th August 1803 and christened in St Michael's there.
William Jones, a bachelor of St Michael's parish, married Mary Griffiths at Pembroke St Michael's on 11th March, 1823. John Griffiths was a witness (her father or possibly a brother????) Mary was of St Mary's parish, also in Pembroke. The two churches are actually very close together, at ends of Main Street. St Mary's is still in use.
 St Michael's church - in great disrepair and you can't even get around to the front of the building anymore. This is probably the church where William was baptized and he and Mary were married.

 Also on Main Street, just across from the castle is St Mary the Virgin. This was listed as Mary's parish church in 1823.

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