Sunday 22 June 2014

Sunday  22nd June                                          Alston - Alnwick - Berwick
Robyn writes:  Today we headed from Alston to our next weekly rental, a lovely little end-of-terrace house near Berwick. On the way here, we stopped at Alnwick (pronounced "Annick") and I visited Alnwick Castle there. (Lex is slightly over castles so he looked around the town.)
 Alnwick Castle is famous as the home of the Percy family 5th Dover 700 years, and they are the Earls or Dukes of Northumberland. (The 5th Duke is the current owner). It's also the site of several scenes in the early Harry Potter films, most notably the first broomstick lesson! They trade shamelessly on this of course....
Sniffly and I at the "Dragon Quest" exhibition

 Sniffly in the mouth of a rather huge and fierce dragon.
 Broomstick lessons right on the spot where the first lesson was filmed! (No, I didn't take part...)
 It's an amazing castle. I had a lovely three hours looking around, then met up with Lex and we headed for Berwick, got groceries, and were in our new home for the week at 4. It's a lovely little 2 bed terrace house with a garden, an all-important washing machine, and a great kitchen! Glen and Carol arrived at about 5 and we've had a lovely meal and are settling in for the night.

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