Wednesday 4 June 2014

Wednesday, 4th June                     Saundersfoot

Robyn writes:  Not much to report today. It has been the coldest, wettest day we've had in ages and the highest temperature I saw recorded in the car was 11 degrees (very briefly, then it went back to 10!) The rain has been fairly constant too, not always heavy but always there. Fortunately, I was inside and well away from it for most of the day.

Cait called this morning on Skype and we had a good chat to her about their upcoming overseas trip (she and Mikeal are joining up with us in Scotland - yay!), then we got ready to head for Haverfordwest where the Pembrokeshire Archives are kept. Lex dropped me off there just as they opened at 10, and we arranged to meet up at 3. I had a perfectly lovely day immersed in the past, reading parish baptism, burial and marriage records to try to find some family history answers. Will do a separate page for my findings over the next day or so once I've got all of the info sorted!

Lex went off to explore the surrounding area, and found some lovely little seaside villages. (Unfortunately, it was very wet and cold so they probably didn't appear at their best....) Today's challenge: can you work out how to pronounce these village names? (Because we're not at all sure that we can!)

By about quarter past 2 I'd exhausted the sources and was starving, so I walked to a nearby 'Morrisons' (grocery store with café) and ordered myself some lunch - Lex joined me soon after. Sad to say that their lasagna is not exactly the best you'll find, but I was hungry so I ate mine! We got a few groceries while we were there and headed home via Pembroke to go into Pwllcrochan, where George Jones, who MAY be my 4 X great-grandfather, was baptized in 1769. There is hardly anything left of the village except the church (now a wildlife reserve centre) and one house. On both sides there are huge industrial complexes - an oil refinery and a power station. Most attractive. The whole area smells of hot oil! It was 9 degrees and raining, so we weren't tempted to take any of the nature trail walks in the area....
 A cold, wet day at St Mary's; almost all that remains of the village. The board made interesting reading.

Following this it was a short trip home and we were glad to get into the warmth for a cuppa and a snack. The cloud actually appears to be lightening and it's certainly a bit brighter now (6pm) so Lex has gone for a walk. Fingers crossed it clears tomorrow so we can actually do something!

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