Saturday 19 April 2014

Emerald - Brisbane

Saturday 19 April 2014

We woke up early after not sleeping very well. Just after 6 AM, we got up. At least we got to see our front yard in a good light.

Last minute packing took many minutes. There were many last minute things to put away. Much of our everyday stuff has been packed into one of the bedrooms - a task we only completed this morning.

Weighing our bags proved that we had as much as a plane could carry (we'd both reached our 23 Kg limits). Jim came at 7:30 and took us to the airport (a 5 minute drive). The Hayes family arrived to, just to say goodbye. Nice touch.

The flight was smooth; early morning flights usually are. We arrived at 9:45, collected our bags and met Caitlin and Mikeal at the Brisbane Airport pickup zone. After stopping off at their flat and dropping our big bags, we all went to Warwick. My mum had a fall a few days ago, and bruised her face quite badly. This meant she has spent some days in hospital, but hopes to be out on Tuesday. She looks black, blue and green but is improving quickly (especially for an 88 year-old). She also has a sore knee and some grazing. However, she is otherwise well and in good spirits. We chatted for over an hour before we had to leave.

We picked up some food and then had our lunch at my brother Paul's (and Kathy's) place in Warwick. They are renovating their kitchen, and it looks good so far, especially the polished pine floorboards. They just need to finish it off now. There is still some work to do, but isn't that always the way it goes ?

After that, we chatted for a while. Paul showed us some of his collection of axes and adzes. It is fascinating to see the array of tools that were used to shape timber before power tools were available. I even remember swinging an axe myself, to cut up firewood. Too soon it was time to leave, so we piled back into the car.

The trip back took about 2 1/2 hours, but I was getting sick of sitting in a seat, doing nothing. I was glad to get out. We are staying with Caitlin and Mikeal at their flat

 Tonight I hope to get an early night - tomorrow we fly to Sydney.

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