Sunday 20 April 2014

Sunday 20 April 2014

Brisbane - Sydney !!

Caitlin got up and went to work at 7 AM. She said her goodbyes and left us to Mikeal and a cat that has been visiting their flat. It is a curious animal, always wanting to come inside and get into cupboards. I put it out, but it stayed close to the door, looking for a way in.

Here it is

This is "Caitlin's other cat"; Don't tell Missy (her Emerald cat).

Mikeal got us to the airport nice and early and we had an uneventful flight down into Sydney. We took the airport shuttle (11 of us, packed enthusiastically into a small van by our Israeli driver!) to our hotel, the Harbour Plaza Seasons at Darling Harbour. Very nice it is too - we have a one bedroom apartment which cost us only $125 (thank you Wotif!)

We spent the afternoon exploring the Darling Harbour area, especially the Chinese Gardens there which are just lovely. Robyn was quite devastated to find that the monorail is no more - they closed it down last year and are building a huge new convention centre. They've replaced the monorail with what they call trains but we took one look and thought: trams! We walked through the huge Paddy's Markets - so many stalls and so much

Tonight we are venturing out to find something yummy in the Chinatown area and, as our plane doesn't leave until 2.30ish, we've got the morning to go and hopefully explore the Rocks area a bit.

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