Tuesday 8 April 2014

Tuesday 8 April 2014

I waited all day for the plumber, and no one turned up. The problem is not urgent now, but I want the plumbing fixed, and the hole in the back yard filled in. Maybe tomorrow....

We have started packing away some things so that our house sitters will have somewhere to put there stuff. My, my, we have a lot of clothes. Robyn did most of that packing; I only got my Cds packed away. They all fitted into 2 boxes....I must buy some more !
I have copied 5 GB worth of music onto my tablet PC. That should be enough for the trip. Now I need a few books to read.

I also bought a HDMI - Micro HDMI adaptor. This allows me to connect my tablet to our TV set. With the Foxtel app, I can watch Pay TV on the TV, via the internet. Why don't I just watch it through the Pay TV box? Because it died a few days ago - dead as a dodo. It is not worth getting another one before we leave; the technician was scheduled to attend next Thursday - just a couple of days before we leave.

 There is more to do tomorrow, so I am going to get some sleep while I can....

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